Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy on the Diary

The last one dies Ted “liberal”, now Obama is single. Forty years after its escape of scene from the presidential career that only touched its John brother and that Bob only succeeded to graze, Ted Kennedy exits of scene from the life, to 77 years, demolished from a tumor. Perhaps era considered the spirit liberal of the family, from the denigrators thought less able and therefore underrated and own he for this solo succeeded to close the door of the White House in the 19 evening of July, after a festivity to Martha's Vineyard, when perhaps on turns or distracted road exited outside ending in a marsh and leaving there in the car still alive but hurt its collaborator more valid Mary Jo Kopechne.

In that night Ted Kennedy it crossed to swim the arm of sea from the island to the coast of the Massachusetts, quite curio, after to have more only felt some of its friends trusted and only the morning it denounced the incident, when some fishermen found again the car… Surveying’s, pages of accusations and many spoke about “arrogance of the power”.

He has been the craftsman of the great compromise bipartisan on immigration, one of the first reforms on the regularization of the foreign workers, then still law initiatives on the rights of the disability, the education, the pension guarantees of the workers, in a party that sometimes was demonstrated very less modern and less untied to the lobbies of he, than in deep considered era a lobbyist for birth and for last name… the democratic.

The last worry of Ted was its seat to the Senate. He had proposed the possibility of a designation from the outgoing senator in disease case, but it watched beyond that is to that Barack Obama that own to the Senate does not succeed to smash in another of the topics beloveds to Kennedy, that one of the health. Now without its voice all he could complicate itself goodness knows, but that a day its name remains (as is in the intentions of Obama) in the title it of an historical reform. Today a full generation of contradictions and ambitions is closed however, very various from that today, too much robotics, daughter of Internet and the economy yuppie, than it is felt already arrived and with the wish not to arrive. Perhaps also for this the last Kennedy before dying has given the last push to Obama.

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