Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Michael Beasley Miami Heat

Michael Beasley in clinic: What happens? Player of the Miami Heat, second chosen of the draft of 2008, has been recovery in a clinic of Houston in order to face a strong depressive crisis.

Psychological problems and dependency from drugs (marijuana): Michael Beasley, second chosen of draft of the slid year and marking better second of the Miami Heat in the season 2008-2009 (sluice with 13.9 points and 5, 4 bounces of average for left) has entered in a clinic of Houston in order to detoxin itself.

The player, class 1989, famous one for its worrisome children's immaturity and some misguide with drugs (clamorous, to care, the passed notate one in a room of hotel with the companion of square Mario Chalmers, two girls and much marijuana all' dawn of its career from professional, bluster that it cost a fine from 50.000 dollars and a heavy one washed of head from David Stern, commissioner of the Alloy), has aroused great worries in the last days, when it has mailed, on its " Twitter" , alarming phrases (" Feeling like it' s not worth living! " - I feel as if the life did not have more some sense - " The feel like the whole world is against me" - I feel myself in war with all the world).

Michael Beasley, after although altogether extremely alternative a discreet season, had chosen to work alone for some time, to Houston, far away from stress of Miami and its fissile of old date carried that it to look at itself in fight and competition with anyone, but l' to evolve itself of the situation (does not know the name of the clinic in which it has been recovery and not even the time of permanence of the player knell' institute) has carried rapes gust of worry in Heat house: Pat Riley and Eric Polestar, that they had already planned to grant to greater space and confidence all' former-star of Kansas Been in the next season, is not even sure of on hand being able it to have in the first day of camp, in program next the 29 September.

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