Thursday, August 27, 2009

Billy Gillispie

There are still echoes of Billy Gillispie shot yesterday, but nothing is more eloquent on the madness that one of the UK basketball to see the television journalist through persecution Gillispie Joe Craft Center.

The reporters in a video WLEX 18 Alan Cutler, who, for whatever reason, feel that a former Kentucky coach in the register as soon as it remains very important and worthy of reporting techniques stalkerazzi style. It's fun to see Gillispie make mobile-to-the-ear trick (known repellent TMZ) in an effort to avoid two or three television reporters followed him around campus. When he failed, he entered the sprint, trying to shake him out of Cutler's strength in every corner of the court. "I can walk all day, Billy!" Cutler said at one point. Unfortunately he had been prevented by a secretary as soon as Gillispie reach your office security.

But nothing can compare to beating Gillispie gone, as most reports indicate that it was not the coach who became a problem, but his eyes were wild hillbillies ended his reign in England. Or, as Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart to speak, has a "philosophical differences."

"There is a clear difference in how the rules and responsibilities to oversee the program are considered. This is the difference I do not think that can be solved by simply winning the game."

England in search of more polished now, regal candidate who will restore the image of school as an elite program in the country. Names like lzzo, Calipari and, yes, that Pitino might be candidates roamed. (What about Kentucky's obsession with Italy?) As for Gillispie, said he had no hard feelings about Kentucky, but do not expect to pay $ 6 million from his contract. United Kingdom, on the other hand, said he had no intention to pay for purchases, basically, because I think Gillispie is the most horrible each time step foot in Lexington.

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